(2 TIMOTHY 4:5)


All-embracing Academics (Theological education and the Word of God)

certified proffesors

Provide ministerial training for men and women, irrespective of  gender, language, ethnic and social-economic differences.

top classes & materials

Topnotch Biblical, Theological education and specialized training for God-called persons in their respective ministries


welcome speech

a letter from our director

President’s Welcome

Welcome to Baptist Theological Seminary, Eku formerly known as Baptist Bible School. Baptist Theological Seminary, Eku was founded in 1945 by American Missionaries, Rev. Dr. and Mrs. W.H. Carson. Baptist Theological Seminary, Eku occupies a strategic position in Baptist work in the South-South of Nigeria and its adjourning regions. Hence, the vitality of the institution in all ramifications is pivotal to having a distinctive voice through theological education in local churches, schools, civil society, communities and other spheres of influence. We seek to promote the shalom of God and incarnational ministry perspectives through our practical theology endeavours in our environs.

Baptist Theological Seminary Eku aspires to be…………..


WHO we are

As a Seminary community devoted to the training of men and women for the multifarious ministries of Christ and his church, the institution emphasizes five areas of formation which cut across these domains of learning: cognitive (academics), affective (spiritual) and psychomotor (ministerial).

The core values of the institution are thus: allembracing academics (cognitive domain); Healthy Spirituality (affective domain); Proficient Ministry (psychomotor/behavioural domain); All-inclusive Leadership (cognitive and psychomotor/behavioural domains) and Warm Communal Life (cognitive, affective and psychomotor/behavioural domains).

Student Government Activities

BTSE is a tertiary institution and allows the student body to have her officials who are elected annually

Ancillary Education Programme

Nursery(Kindergarten), Primary and Secondary Schools (Named as Baptist Seminary Academy)

Library and ICT Unit

The school library currently houses 21,622 volumes for circulation and reference updated continually.

Recreational and Social Activities

Football competitions, indoor games, social events, and relaxation


We provide opportunities to succeed

Good ideas and best practices are shared amongst the staff. When decisions have to be made, the first considerations revolve around what is best for the students and the school.

fulfill your ministry

certificate in theology (C. Th)

Duration: Four (2) years.

diploma in religious education (dip. re)

Duration: Four (3) years

diploma in theology (dip. th)

Duration: Three (3) years.

diploma in church music (dip. cm)

Duration: Two (3) years. 

bachelor of arts in religious studies (b.a)

Duration: Three (4) years.

bachelor of
religious education(b.r.e)

Duration: Three (4) years.

bachelor of theology(b.th)

Duration: Four (4) years.

bachelor of church music (b.cm)

Duration: Four (4) years

master of divinity in religious education (m.div. re)

Duration: Three (3) years.

master of divinity in theology (m.div. th)

Duration: Four (3) years.

master of divinity in church music (m.div. cm)

Duration: Four (3) years


stay up to date with school events

To be effective, make an extra effort to participate in any of the school’s unique events….

Dec 27, 2022

74th graduation


Jan 2-7, 2023

Women training


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want to shape the future ?

BTSE creates an adequate environment for integrating the intellectual, technical, human, cultural skills and the spiritual, thus enabling your development and full potential as a minister.