president's welcome
Welcome to Baptist Theological Seminary, Eku formerly known as Baptist Bible School. Baptist Theological Seminary, Eku was founded in 1945 by American Missionaries, Rev. Dr. and Mrs. W.H. Carson. Baptist Theological Seminary, Eku occupies a strategic position in Baptist work in the South-South of Nigeria and its adjourning regions. Hence, the vitality of the institution in all ramifications is pivotal to having a distinctive voice through theological education in local churches, schools, civil society, communities and other spheres of influence. We seek to promote the shalom of God and incarnational ministry perspectives through our practical theology endeavours in our environs.
Baptist Theological Seminary Eku aspires to be an excellent theological institution, producing servant leaders for global transformation and committed to providing an enabling environment for Faculty, staff and students that fosters teamwork and collaborative efforts towards producing servant leaders who are arrow heads, making strategic differences, taking into cognizance the hallmarks of innovative and transformative leadership. This process allows for discovery, development and deployment of divine endowments for effective ministry – integrating faith with academic learning for the demonstration of practical theology in knowledge and in lifestyle. This absolutely engages development of synergy with all appropriate sectors and stakeholders for the growth of the institution.
Around Baptist Theological Seminary, in keeping with her evangelical heritage, you will find men and women (servant leaders in training) who are receiving biblical and contextualized theological education so as to transform the church and society as pastors, missionaries, Christian educators, Christian professionals, Christian entrepreneurs, and church musicians.
As a Seminary, we are a community of faith, worship and learning. We are devoted to the training of men and women for the multifarious ministries of Christ and his church, and emphasize five areas of formation which cut across the three domains of learning. Hence, our core values of the institution are thus: all-embracing academics (cognitive domain); healthy spirituality (affective domain); proficient ministry (psychomotor or behavioural domain); all-inclusive leadership (cognitive and psychomotor or behavioural domains) and warm communal life (cognitive, affective and psychomotor/behavioural domains).
Theological education at Baptist Theological Seminary, Eku is based on a vital commitment to the Bible, to Baptist Faith and Practice, and openness to sound, new techniques and technologies that enhance the teaching-learning process. The Seminary Faculty is equipped by formal training and experience to offer theological education in Africa in a spectrum of disciplines with a depth of study rarely equaled. Essentially, our philosophy cuts across the following:
1. Absolute faith in God by committing all endeavours to the guidance of God.
2. Total commitment to Biblical truth.
3. Commitment to Christian ethical standard.
4. Equity by opening our doors of admission to qualified candidates irrespective of denominational, gender, racial, ethnic, linguistic or social-economic differences.
5. Efficient resources management driven by need for cost-effectiveness.
6. A Seminary family united and empowered by the Christian faith and beliefs.
7. Academic freedom by upholding the spirit of free and critical thought and enquiry, through tolerance of diversity of Christian beliefs and understanding as well as the open exchange of ideas and knowledge.
8. Academic integrity expressed in objective analysis, creativity, experimentation, critical appraisal, independent thought informed debate and intellectual honesty.
At Baptist Theological Seminary, Eku, our educational opportunities are enhanced by some strategic partnerships and we are also strengthened by the rich resources of the proprietor (Nigerian Baptist Convention), Baptist congregations, and denominational agencies and so on.
Once again, welcome to Baptist Theological Seminary, Eku. Come join us; come visit us and you will be glad you did.
Prof. Helen Olomu Ishola-Esan
President, Baptist Theological Seminary, Eku